Xiaomi Utility Tool v 1.1.8 ( REDMI Mi supported Tool ) Free Download

Xiaomi Utility Tool v 1.1.8 free download, REDMI Mi supported Tool is a Windows tool
developed to change rom on Xiaomi devices!
Xiaomi is a well-known Chinese brand which build beautiful smartphones,
however sometimes they come with Chinese software or software which
doesn't give you the best experience you can have.

To get the most out of the smartphone it's necessary to install the best rom
that suits to you, but that is not always easy, especially for non-advanced Android users.
So I developed this tool, to give everyone the opportunity to install the preferred
software their own devices.

Geekbuying PL
Xiaomi Utility Tool  automates the sometimes difficult procedure which is needed to
change rom and you can use it to:
Install official roms (Global stable/developer or China stable/developer)
Install unofficial Xiaomi.eu roms (stable/developer)
Install any other twrp flashable rom (such as lineageos, resurrection remix, ...)

Международные Авиалинии Украины

Install custom recovery (TWRP or else)
Unlock bootloader*
Lock bootloader
Xiaomi Utility
Tool  can use different ways to install rom on your device and the right
way is automatically detected

Fastboot flash
Emergency mode flash (EDL)
Stock recovery flash
TWRP recovery flash
Fastboot unlock (via MiFlashUnlock)/lock
Xiaomi Utility Tool  retrieve your device info to automatically fetch:

Fastboot official rom
Recovery official rom
Xiaomi.eu roms
Official/non-official TWRP
Latest SuperSU
Xiaomi Utility Tool  is free to use, if you like it and want to help the development
you can make a donation to the developer.

Xiaomi Utility Tool  is not official, it's been developed by a random guy (me) and not Xiaomi!
The responability of the usage of this tool is fully on the user. If it doesn't work or brick your
device doesn't blame me or Xiaomi, you are using it on your own risk. I'm trying to be helpful
with this little project, but this doesn't mean that the success rate is 100%. Remember that
unlocking bootloader is first thing to be safe and make things easier and test points are the
"always there" remedy if your device is bricked! (search on google)



